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Fake Handbags India Today / People / Arun JaitleyHe is the Union Cabinet Minister for Finance, Corporate Affairs. Earlier, he was the Information and Broadcasting minister also. On July 5, 2016, the I ministy has been given to Venkaiah Naidu. He also served as the Defence minister for a few months. But in the first Cabinet rejig Manohar Parrikar has been made the defence minister. A lawyer, Arun Jaitley began his political career when in college. An active member of the ABVP, he was DUSU president in 1974. A member of the National Executive of the BJP since 1991, he became the Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting (Independent Charge) in 1999 in the Vajpayee led NDA government. He was elevated as a Cabinet Minister in November 2000 and was made simultaneously the Minister of Law, Justice and Company Affairs and Shipping, a portfolio vacated by Ram Jethmalani. With the defeat of the NDA in May 2004, Jaitley became a party general secretary and entered the Rajya Sabha. In 2009, he was chosen as the Leader of Opposition in the Upper House. A member of the Central Election Committee of the party, Jaitley played a key role in the elevation of Narendra Modi as the party’s PM nominee and is viewed as his key associate. In the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, Jaitley contested his first direct election from Amritsar Lok Sabha seat where he replaced BJP MP Navjot Singh Sidhu and was pitted against former Punjab CM Captain Amarinder Singh. He lost the polls Fake Handbags.