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Replica Handbags For whatever reason, Gwyneth Paltrow has become one of those celebrities that “the internet” just loves to try to take down a peg or two. Is it just a result of being a successful flaxen haired beauty who has an Oscar? Who knows, but when she started Goop, her email newsletter turned lifestyle enterprise, people really got their hackles up the venture obvious success and warm reception among her actual fans. Paltrow has brought her business another level today by opening Goop MRKT, a Holiday pop up store at The Shops at Columbus Circle which will run through December 24th. This is her fourth Goop shop, but her first in Manhattan. We are sure that her band of critics will have their knives out, but, honestly, when The Shophound breezed by the shop earlier today, we couldn find a great deal to criticize. The modestly sized shop neat the 58th Street entrance to the shopping center has been spruced up with a paint job, some judiciously applied moldings and a few eclectic chandeliers. While we will not exhaustively catalog the contents of the shop, we can say with confidence that if this is an expression of her personal style and favorite items, then the woman has some damned good taste. Replica Handbags
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