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The reason why employees are such a big risk is because they

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canada goose outlet sale 5. Rogue Employees A lot of employers are shocked to discover that their biggest information security threat lies closer to home. The British Standards Institution (BSI) conducted a poll at Infosecurity Europe 2014 and it concluded that 37 per cent of respondents believed rogue employees were the biggest threat to their information security. This ranked significantly higher than bring your own device (15 per cent) and cyber attacks (19 per cent). The reason why employees are such a big risk is because they cannot be controlled. Often, the guilty party does not put the company at risk because they are acting maliciously, they may simply not understand the risks that are associated with the actions they have taken. canada goose outlet sale

canada goose store Populations have risen spectacularly over the last 50 years, due largely to increased protection from shooting on the wintering grounds. Numbers wintering in Ireland and Great Britain have risen almost tenfold from 30,000 in 1950 to 292,000 in October 2004. The numbers wintering in Denmark and the Netherlands have also risen, with about 34,000 in 1993. The most important single breeding site, at jrsrver in Iceland (holding 10,700 pairs in 1970), was only discovered in 1951, by Sir Peter Scott and his team who made an expedition to seek the breeding grounds. Within Great Britain, the most important wintering areas are in Norfolk (147,000 in 2004), Lancashire (44,000 in 2004), and Aberdeenshire (primarily on autumn and spring passage). Large to huge wintering flocks graze on farmland; individual flocks can be spectacular, such as the 66,000 at Loch of Strathbeg, Aberdeenshire in early September 2003.[3][4][5][6] canada goose store

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